Version 2023.44.9

Released January 3, 2024

Release Map

Current global deployment

Distribution Rate

Fleetwide rollout by day

Release Notes

Detailed Energy Usage

Included in 2023.44.9

Use the Energy app to track how much energy your vehicle consumes across different systems, environments, and driving behavior. With personalized recommendations, you can even improve efficiency.

While driving, see how your actual mileage compares to the battery indicator, Trip Planner estimate, or efficiency rating for your vehicle. When parked, see how different features consume energy.

Light Show

Included in 2023.44.9

Watch your Cybertruck perform the latest choreographed Light Show to the tune of The Arrival by Irving Victoria.

Play it right away, or schedule the show up to 10 minutes in advance, with one vehicle or synced with friends. Go to Toybox > Light Show.

Light Show enthusiasts can also play multiple custom Light Shows from the same USB flash drive. Simply save the files to a directory named "LightShow" on your flash drive, connect, and choose.

Fold Mirrors at a Location

Included in 2023.44.9

You can now set mirrors to fold automatically whenever you arrive at a saved location.

Drive to the location and slow down to 3 mph (6 km/h) or less. Go to Controls > Fold Mirrors, and choose Save Location when it appears. Or go to Locks > myQ Connected Garage to sync with your garage door opener.

Steering Improvements

Included in 2023.44.9

Turning feels smoother when driving at lower speeds.